
Friday, May 11, 2007

Sculpture shows Paris Hilton in deadly pose

NEW YORK - A New York gallery is featuring a bizarre sculpture of Hollywood celebutante and socialite Paris Hilton in a distinctly unglamorous pose -- pregnant on an autopsy slab with one leg up in stirrups.

The sculpture, which goes on public display on Friday, was dreamed up by artist Daniel Edwards, whose previous works have included a nude, life-sized sculpture of pop princess Britney Spears on all fours giving birth.

The Hilton sculpture, which is designed to warn of the dangers of drink driving, comes complete with interactive opened abdominal cavity and the gallery is encouraging art lovers to get their hands on the removable organs.

Hilton was arrested in September last year for drink driving and was sentenced to a jail term last week for driving on a suspended license.

"An interactive Public Service Announcement featuring the graphic display of a tiara-wearing, autopsied Paris Hilton with removable innards is designed to warn teenagers of the hazards of underage drinking," the gallery said.

"Paris's internals, which include her small intestines, uterus and foetuses, are removable to assist teens with an empathetic view of drunk driving tragedy from the coroner's perspective," gallery director David Kesting said.

The sculpture also features Hilton's Chihuahua Tinkerbell, also wearing a tiara, rampant and begging for attention.

"The tableau... reminds potential prom queens no one is impervious to the pitfalls of drinking," the gallery, Capla Kesting Fine Art, said.

The sculpture is for sale, although the asking price was not disclosed.

The gallery has also invited students to compose an obituary for the socialite, based on the artwork. - AFP/ir

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